Day 11 – Almost down 10 lbs! #fb

Ran out of eggs, but I had organic and all the good stuff egg whites, so I made a spinach omelette’s with black beans on the side and turkey sausage that Chelsea put together.

(sorry, I was half done by the time I remembered to take the pic!)

I tried the kettlebell swing again today, but couldn’t finish. I think I need to do them later in the day. My lungs seem to freeze up first thing in the morning. No bueno!

I made it to 50 of 75 suggested with only 40lbs: 15x, 15x 10x 10x


Weight: 221.3 lbs

Holy moley!! That is close to 10 lbs in under two weeks!!! Call me a happy camper!

About the Author

The world changed for me about two months into my M.B.A. program. While I have always risen quickly to management roles, learning how to truly be a part of a business and its many systems began to really excite me. While I have loved taking out-dated processes and digitizing them for cost savings, I am excited to take my project mangement experience to greater heights and really contribute to a company's growth as the head of a team excited to drive change. -Justin Velthoen

Justin Velthoen

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